Year 5

There is a lot to learn in Year 5 so you need to understand what is being taught and how you can help support your child at home.
Master Year 5 work with helpful information & engaging activities
Whether your child is covering Year 5 topics such as decimals, fractions and percentages in maths, improving spelling and developing comprehension skills in English or understanding physical processes in science, you need to have the right information to explain the concept to your child, and the right resource to help them master the skill. We have hundreds of Y5 English worksheets, Y5 maths worksheets and Y5 science worksheets to help you support learning at home and make homework sessions much easier!
You can track the whole Year 5 curriculum with programmes in English, maths and science or, if you want something a bit different, check out our interactive Year 5 tutorials.
Year 5 Booster packs in English and Maths
From apostrophes to spelling mnemonics, prefixes to synonyms, the Year 5 English Booster pack is bursting with revision activities to help consolidate and build on your child's literacy learning. And there's plenty of cutting and sticking, word searching, thesaurus checking and script writing to be done along the way!
Rounding speed challenges, zoo subtraction problems, spotting square numbers and a little bit of pizza maths... it's all included in the Year 5 Maths Booster pack, designed to help your child practise and revise the key KS2 maths skills they've learned at school.
Discover a unique learning programme for your Year 5 child
The Learning Journey programme covers all the core areas of learning your child will be expected to master in English and maths during Year 5. Work through the 40 worksheets that comprise each programme in order, or pick those that cover topics you know your child is struggling with, and by the end of the school year you can be sure your child's learning is on track. You can also get your child to take a Year 5 Progress check.There are six Year 5 Progress checks (one for each school term in English and maths). Each Progress check includes questions on the areas of learning that your child will be covering in that school term. Just get your child to take the test, then check the answers we provide and you'll see straight away if your child has grasped each of these learning skills.

Grammar Made Easy
Grammar Made Easy is for every parent who wants their primary child to do well at school, to see them gain top marks for grammar and punctuation and use language as a door to future opportunities.
Each chapter of the eBook focuses on a specific area – such as tenses or apostrophes – and provides clear, simple explanations of rules to remember, plus examples of what’s right, what’s wrong and why. Then, there are quiz questions to recap and check that your child has understood everything.
Once you’ve got your copy, you’ll be able to:
- Make sense of every grammar rule
- Boost your child’s ability to write and speak
- Play games and quizzes to reinforce learning
- Help your child achieve great results in their English SATs
- Set them up for success with foreign languages
You don’t need to be a grammar expert to help your child to become confident in English!

A Parent's Guide to Secondary School
Starting to think about secondary school? A Parent's Guide to Secondary School takes you through everything you need to know, from deciding which schools to apply for, through the application and appeals process, to supporting your child in the first weeks and months in their new school.
The expert advice and practical tips from parents contained in these pages will ensure that you are able to help your child prepare for this exciting new chapter in their life, and that they begin secondary school feeling confident and supported both practically and emotionally.
Preparing your child for the 11+?
If your child is in the last years of primary school you might be thinking about selection tests like the Eleven Plus and how to prepare for them. To help you decide on your approach we've put together an introduction to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, with expert tips, advice and practice questions and answers for you and your child.
The pack has been written to provide a general overview of the key skills tested at 11+, including practical examples of the common types of questions, hints and explanations to help you understand the solutions and play-based ways to help prepare your child at home.
Topic homework? Let the Homework Gnome help
In Year 5, your child will cover some core learning areas of history, geography and science. For many of these topic-areas, you'll find top facts, timelines, did you knows, pictures, videos and more, in the Homework Gnome. Why not check out the following:
Life in the Victorian era
Queen Victoria
The Victorian era
Greek life and culture
Greek gods and mythology
Keeping healthy
Plants and growth
Space exploration
The Solar System